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uniting the country

Trump Pledged to Heal the Divide In Our Country at the RNC Convention. How Is It Going So Far?

Submitted by Robin Messing on Tue, 07/30/2024 - 6:38pm

It is a bit of an understatement to say that Donald Trump has not been known for creating peace and harmony within the United States. Ronald Reagan has gone down in history as The Great Communicator. It is a safe bet that Trump will not be known as The Great Unifier. Or so most people thought, until Trump was shot at his rally. Traumatic events can change people, and after that terrible event we were told by some of Trump's allies that Trump was different now. He was more contemplative, serene--even spiritual. They told us that we would see this dramatic change in his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention. And indeed we did see Trump's call for unity to heal the nation within the first two minutes of his speech. There were three passages in particular that I will cite, with their time stamps below.

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