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Dictator Trump--Part 2: Trump Wants To Become A Dictator, And His Thirst For Power Could Lead To Civil War

Submitted by Robin Messing on Wed, 01/03/2024 - 5:20pm

In my previous article I discussed how concentrating too much power in the hands of ANY one person could lead to disaster--especially if that person is only advised by "yes" men and women. A president who only seeks out the opinions of others who tell him what they think he wants to hear will be basing his assumptions on faulty or incomplete information, and stumbling around with blind spots never ends well.

However, if the imperial president with nearly unchecked power happens to be Donald Trump or someone like Trump, the danger becomes exponentially greater. Trump plans to implement an extreme authoritarian agenda that will transform America into a police state. The Los Angeles Times reports:

In speeches, interviews and campaign videos, Trump has promised to:

  • Use the military to participate in the largest deportation of undocumented immigrants in American history;
  • Order the National Guard into cities with high crime rates, whether local officials want it or not;
  • Prosecute Californians who protect minors coming to the state for gender-affirming care;
  • Impose a 10% tariff on almost all foreign goods, increasing prices for consumers;
  • Appoint a special prosecutor to “go after” his political opponents, beginning with Biden;
  • Purge the federal civil service of anyone who questions his views.

An Open Letter To Congressman Tom Reed About Impeachment: Pt. 1-Impeach Trump To Be True To Yourself

Submitted by Robin Messing on Wed, 12/11/2019 - 4:55pm

This is the first part of a two part letter to Congressman Tom Reed explaining why he should impeach Donald Trump. It covers topics not included in the House's Articles of Impeachment but which should be considered when evaluating Donald Trump's fitness to continue holding office. I believe that these topics will be of particular interest to Congressman Reed given what he has stated in the past. The second part of this letter debunks many of the Republican objections to impeaching Trump for his attempt to coerce Ukraine to interfere in our 2020 election.


I am writing this letter to you to urge you to impeach Donald Trump. I know my demand for impeachment will not come as a surprise to you since I have contacted you or your office before and asked you to support impeachment. I also know that you are unlikely to put much weight in my opinion because I am a liberal and oppose both Trump and his agenda. That is fine. Do not impeach Trump because of me. Impeach Donald Trump because of YOU. Impeach Donald Trump because much of what he has done is offensive to YOUR agenda. IF YOU FAIL TO IMPEACH DONALD TRUMP YOU WILL BE TURNING YOUR BACK ON WHAT YOU STAND FOR.

Is the President Allowed To Pardon Those Who Conspired To Bring Him To Power?

Submitted by Robin Messing on Thu, 08/03/2017 - 6:40pm

I am not a lawyer. Nor do I play one on TV.  But I follow Harvard Law professor Laurence Tribe on Twitter and I have read the papers he cited that challenge the assertion that a president can pardon himself. After reading those papers I am convinced that any pardon Donald Trump grants to himself will also fail. I further contend--and this will be controversial--that any pardon he grants to anyone who has helped him become President through an illegal conspiracy will fail.

The Hamilton Electors Must Be Freed To Help Us Avoid A Suicide Pact

Submitted by Robin Messing on Wed, 12/14/2016 - 7:20am

The Role Of The Electoral College As Envisioned By The Founding Fathers

Alexander Hamilton wrote in Federalist Paper No. 68 that the purpose of the Electoral College was to prevent the elevation of those who only have "talents for low intrigue, and the little arts of popularity" and to ensure  "that the office of President will never fall to the lot of any man who is not in an eminent degree endowed with the requisite qualifications" .

Hamilton also wrote that the Electoral College should serve as an obstacle to

cabal, intrigue, and corruption. These most deadly adversaries of republican government might naturally have been expected to make their approaches from more than one querter, but chiefly from the desire in foreign powers to gain an improper ascendant in our councils. How could they better gratify this, than by raising a creature of their own to the chief magistracy of the Union? (emphasis added)

In other words, the Founding Fathers established the Electoral College for the express purpose of ensuring, among other things, that the President wouldn't be a puppet of a foreign government (like say, Russia). Clearly, the Founding Fathers wanted the Electors to be free to follow their consciences and vote against those who posed a threat to our national survival. Unfortunately, thirty states have, in effect, said "screw you" to the Founding Fathers by enacting laws that attempt to force electors to vote for the candidate that won the states' election.

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