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Has Israel Been A Responsible Partner Toward Peace? A Timeline of Key Events

Submitted by Robin Messing on Sun, 03/29/2015 - 12:47pm

Israel and the U.S. are at odds over two issues--how to deal with Iran's nuclear program and Israel's occupation of the West Bank.  Below are key events that every American should know in order to understand how we got here.  Of course, this list is incomplete--one could write a several hundred page book on these topics.  And Israel's defenders will no doubt come up with a list just as long defending Israel's actions and highlighting the evil deeds of Iranians and Palestinians.

An Open Letter to John Kerry Regarding Israel's Newly Announced Settlement

Submitted by Robin Messing on Mon, 09/01/2014 - 6:30am

Dear Secretary Kerry:

Israel has just announced that it is grabbing 988 acres of land from five Palestinian villages in the West Bank to build a new settlement named Gvaot.  They claim that this is in response to kidnapping and murder of three teenagers earlier this summer.  The U.S. government has responded by saying that this is counterproductive to negotiating a two-state solution and meekly urging Israel to reverse its decision.

Could American Soldiers One Day Be Called On to Defend Israel's Settlements?

Submitted by Robin Messing on Sun, 08/31/2014 - 6:21pm

Could the U.S. one day find itself called upon in desperation by Israel to help it put down an uprising in the illegally occupied West Bank? The question seems preposterous. Israel is a military juggernaut. Neither the First nor the Second Intifada posed a serious military threat to Israel. And Israel has crushed Gaza repeatedly. The Palestinians are weak, and no matter what they do, they will never pose a real military threat to Israel.

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