The Republican party has become thoroughly corrupt, possibly treasonous, and dangerous to our democracy and to the world. By this, I do not mean every Republican is corrupt. I do not mean that every Republican is treasonous or turns a blind eye towards treason. And I do not mean every Republican is a danger to democracy. There are some Republicans like Jeff Flake, Mitt Romney, and John McCain who have acted honorably. But the party as a whole has done little if anything to stop the corruption or to protect our democratic institutions. The Republicans must be crushed in the next few elections for our national security and for the continued existence of our democracy. I don't expect a single Republican to pay attention to me. After all, I am what many of them would call a "libtard". I have opposed Trump since May 2016, and in October 2016 I wrote a blog post predicting that Donald Trump would be an existential threat to our democracy. So I expect Republicans to react to this by holding their hands over their ears and saying, "LA LA LA I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" So if you are a Republican, I don't expect you to listen to me. But I do want you to consider two articles by your fellow Republicans and one article by two strictly nonparitsan authors. I will post excerpts from each of these articles, but reading these highlights is no substitute for reading these articles in their entirety.